Sunday, April 28, 2019

1st Place at Wonder Woman 5K Race

Today I ran for the first time the DC Wonder Woman Run Series 5K.  It was such a blast to see all the fans dress up in tutu and Wonder Woman outfits.  I got a cool tank top, hat, high socks with mini caps on the back (so cute) and sweat wrist bands!  That's the best swag bag I have ever gotten :)

I had a friend that had registered for it and it was good to run into her.  There were so many people out there that Eddie had to drop me off while he went to go park.  It started at 7:00 and I got there 5 till.  However, when I got there they had the 10K people start first.  I was relieved.  I decided to line up at the front of the start line this time.  There was an older man next to me and we made small talk and he told me that I look really fit and that he may just have to follow me.  To my left was a group of young girls that looked like they were 13 years old.  I just told them, I may have to try and keep up with them.  That's what I love about this sport, that there are all ages, shapes and sizes and we all support each other.

Ready, set, go!  That old man, took off fast and I was still messing with my Strava app and trying to put it in my pouch and zip it up.  But, then.... it was on.  I hauled ass and tried to catch up to everyone who passed me up.  One by one I passed, but then I couldn't tell who was a 5K runner and who was a 10K runner. It wasn't until the split point that they directed 5K runners to the left.  Once I turned, I couldn't see anybody else in front of me.  I started to wonder if I was in first and tried to pick up my pace more.  I started breathing heavy and could hear myself.  I kept telling myself to control your breathing Lydia!  Focus!  Maintain your pace!  Then, I could hear someone breathing heavy coming up behind me at about mile 1.5.  It was a younger guy passing me up.  I just thought, I wish guys weren't allowed to run this!  Then, I thought, it's okay you are still the first female leading.  I turn around and didn't see any other females close and that old man was catching up too.  I was very impressed and thought, you can do this.  I just may actually have a chance in winning and placing 1st on this race.  So, I tried to catch up to that young guy, but really who was I kidding?  He was probably 20 years younger than me, so I just told myself don't be stupid and get hurt.  Not now when I'm so close.  So, I just focused on my body and realized that it's not about competing with everyone around you, although that's just instinct sometimes during a race, but in reality it's about competing with MYSELF!  That's it!  Once I started thinking that way, I got the energy to finish strong.

As I turned the last corner, I saw the crowd cheering and I could see the finish line.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I saw two girls holding the finish line band and it was for me!! I then heard them say, "Here comes our first female finisher, Lydia Calahan!"  It was so surreal and so awesome crossing the finish line!  This is the first for me and I truly felt like Wonder Woman :) I finished in 21:13 at a 6:50 pace which is a new 5K PR for me.  I came in 1st place out of 2274 females; 1st out of 352 females in my age group; 3rd place out of 2508 runners!  So freakin' happy with my results and my body feels great!  It just goes to show that AGE is just a number.  You just need to get your mind right and be your own Wonder Woman!!

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