Sunday, August 2, 2020

COVID-19 Strikes our Home in July

I will never forget this July 2020.  I know I haven't posted in a while and it's because July is the month that we've been hit with the COVID-19 virus at our home.  My husband, Eddie and I tested positive for Coronavirus.  I'm going to be transparent and hope to share helpful information about this scary virus.

Eddie came home from the firestation and started feeling sluggish one day.  The next thing I know, he is having a sharp pain in his lower back and has shortness of breath.  We end up in the ER because it just kept getting worse.  I have never seen the fear in his eyes like I did that day and I knew it was serious.  We get there and there are a lot of sick people coming in with COVID-19 symptoms.  I start to worry and start getting really scared.  Eddie usually is calm.  I mean, he is a fireman and used to working in emergency situations, but he was getting anxious and starting to panic.  I tried to reassure him that he would be okay and I wouldn't not leave him.

Once we get seen they ask us what our symptoms are and I also tell them that I'm having a tickle in my throat.  He tells them he is a fireman and his lungs are pre exposed due to his profession.  They take Eddie's chest x-rays, do blood work, put an IV on him and give him steroids to ease his pain.  Since we are husband and wife, they test us both for COVID-19 and swabbed us.  That is the worst test EVER!  I just wanted to punch the nurse in her face as she sticks that long giant q-tip way up my nose.  They check his oxygen levels and it's good.  His other vitals are good too.  We were both relieved.  After couple hours they send us home with prescription medication and crap load of supplemental vitamins to take.  Supplemental vitamins is what they give all COVID-19 patients.  We follow the quarantine guidelines and take all the precautions as told.  I ask the doctor if it's okay for me to still exercise and run if I'm not having any symptoms?  I mean COVID-19 effects your lungs, breathing, etc. and as a runner... I need this!  He said that I may be asymptomatic and to keep my workout routine as usual and to just maintain social distancing.  He reassured me that I should be fine.  Well, he didn't have to tell me twice!  I told Eddie I plan to run everyday this month to sweat this shit out this from my body.......IF I have it!  It will take 5-7 days to get back our COVID-19 results.  Needless to say, I ended up taking Eddie to the ER the following week and this time they said his COVID-19 was clearing up, but in the process it was converted into bacterial pneumonia.  YIKES!!

It's so weird how it effects people differently.  I mean, I have been running almost everyday while on vacation and continue to run even once we got home.  I felt no symptoms.  I felt tired after vacation, but that is normal after our vacation travel time.  I remember that I slept in after coming home, but still managed to have energy to run 5 miles that afternoon with Dash.  I'm keeping my word and will continue to run 5 miles EVERYDAY and on the weekend run one 10 mile run.  Dash is loving all this running with me.  She has gotten so attached to me.  I sometimes wonder if she knows I'm sick.

We don't get our results back until almost two weeks because they the medical labs are so backed up everywhere nationwide.  Results come in and we both tested positive.  Eddie was really sick for about a week 1/2 before his symptoms cleared up.  He waited about a month before he felt like running again with me.  Eddie ran two days with me in July at 5 miles each day and he said he felt fine.  He was just sore next day because it's been a while since he ran.  I was the nervous one praying he wouldn't  overdue it or have some kind of relapse.  I just told him I don't ever want to see him like that again, because it was so scary.  I thank God our boys are healthy and okay and never got it.  I have never cleaned the house so much like I did these weeks...LOL!  I didn't want our boys to go through that.

We are back to normal and pray we remain healthy.  Eddie is defiantly feeling better and being quit the handyman at home.  He has custom built a sink cabinet and some medicine cabinets in our restroom.  YAY!  It make me happy to see him be himself again.  This scary virus has effected more people now including some of my friends.  THIS IS VERY REAL.  It's scary because, it's seems to be getting worse.  Did all my running and working out help me be asymptotic?  I don't know?  Things I do to try and live a healthy lifestyle and maybe possible helped me beat this virus are:
  • Exercise regularly (at least 30 min a day)
  • Get enough sleep
  • Drink enough water daily
  • Avoid stress (If it's a stressful day, I just go for a longer run)
  • Have a postive mindset (any negative attitude, I believe effects your immune system)
  • Take multivitamins to include Vitamin C, D3, etc.
  • Maintain a healthy weight by eating clean
We are lucky to recover from it, but I know that others aren't so fortunate and many are dying.  Special thanks to my family for your prayers and our family of first responders who helped get us through some scary times.  I pray you  don't experience this.  Stay safe, stay active, take all the precautions and please wear your mask!

Keep on running (exercise) and continue to work on living a healthy lifestyle!

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