Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving Break

I was hoping to would be writing how well my BMW marathon training is going and how I’m about a month away from running it virtually, but the truth is I am not running it at all.  My shin splint on my right leg continues.  It’s a pain like no other, and every time I hit the pavement it sends a pain up my shin.  I’m not able to run on my toes, so I heel strike to finish my runs.  I’m not able to run more than 4-3 miles at a time and sometimes it’s a walk/jog.  My pace is very slow 9:45-11:00 minute miles.  

Everything I read about this injury states that the only way to get rid of shin splints is rest, ice, inflammation meds and elevation.  Well, if you know me, rest was not going to happen.  I did stop running my marathon schedule.  The last long distance was 18 miles on a Saturday, Oct. 17 and then 13.1 miles next day back in October.  Then I ran 8 miles on Oct. 21st and that was the last time I ran long distance and when I felt I hurt my leg.  I then ran 8 more times after that, but it was no more than 5 miles, then 4, then several 3 milers because it would hurt every time I would run with Dash.  I was really starting to worry about my fall scheduled marathon.  I then received an email stating that the Dallas BMW was  cancelled, but changed it to run it either virtually or run it in April.  I of course changed it to virtual because I don’t want to run a marathon here in Texas in April.  It’s too warm!

I feel sorry for Dash, for she’s so ready to run the long distance now that the weather is perfect for it.  Fall is the best time of year for marathon training and I hate that I can’t run and train like I want.  I finally gave in and went to go see my sports medicine doctor.  The one I went to see when I had my stress fracture on my foot couple years ago.  I trust him.  He got me ready to run the Boston Marathon back in 2016.  I never thought I would experience shin splints after all my years of running.  I wonder if maybe it has to do with me getting older?  Why now?  I then thought, it's COVID's fault.  If I would still be teaching cycle class at L.A. Fitness twice a week and using it as my cross-training for my marathon trainings, this wouldn't have happened.  My doctor ordered me to go get an MRI for he thinks it may be a stress fracture.    

I went to Portland Oregon this month with one of my girlfriends.  This is the month that I was going to run Big Sur Marathon in California.  Since that got cancelled due to COVID-19, I already had flight credit for it.  So, we decided to go somewhere else instead.  We both always wanted to see Oregon, especially this time of year.  There had been protest there due to the political election this time of year, but that didn’t stop us.  We of course stayed outside of the big city.  We also saw Eddie's cousin who lives there and she gave us a tour of the city while going to lunch with her.  It was great to see her again.  I wish we had more time to visit whole family, but maybe next time.

The Three Amigos (Eddie, Noah and I) went also to our annual hunting trip.  Noah is ready to kill his first buck and mom and dad want to be there with him.  I couldn't of asked for the perfect day for it.  Eddie worked really hard getting ready for deer season and always looks forward to spending this time with us.  I know that one day Noah will turn that age in the teenage years where he will no longer want to spend time with us as much and be done with this trip and hunting.  But until then, we will cherish every moment with him for his our last baby boy of the our bunch.  Well, to our surprise...Noah did it!  He got his first buck and it was a huge one.  Daddy was so proud!

I’m not going to lie, with not being able to run I got in a big funk and started stress eating.  I don’t like sweets, but at work, they are consistently feeding us not so healthy sweets/food.  Before I would be able to run off the calories, and now I can’t.  So,  yes, I’m gaining the pounds.  I don’t eat crappy all the time, but my favorite season is here and love Thanksgiving and all the food that comes with it.  I have to be honest, this is the only time I eat turkey stuffing!  I will get back on track after Thanksgiving.  Well, I keep telling that to myself!

I went to get my MRI this past Tuesday and then saw my doctor.  I'm sad to say, but he saw a tibial stress fracture!  I had a feeling he was going to give me bad news this week.  He said I can't run for a while and would have to postpone my fall marathon.  I just knew it!  The way I was running and how slow I was going due to sharp pain in my shin area.  Poor Dash wanted to run so fast, but I had to pull her to stop several times to walk.  It hurt.  He did say, that since I can walk on it, he won't put me in a boot.  However, I CANNOT run until he sees how I do with PT.  Freakin unbelievable!  Is it due to all the running on hard concrete pavement most of the time during COVID?  Is it that my bones are say, enough already, you're too old for this??  So many thoughts go through my head.  I then think.  Why do I see so many old ladies in their 60s still running?  I want to be that old lady.

I started reading the book from David Goggins, Can't Hurt Me and man I love his mindset.  I could relate to so much of his story when it comes to running and stopped feeling sorry for myself.  The doctor told me that I can't run, but I asked if I can still cycle and do weight training.  He said yes and would like for me to do some water exercises in the pool to help me with recovery too.  That was music to my ears.  I've also pick up yoga again with my favorite instructor, Virgina.  I know that Eddie has been wanting me to back off from running and work on weight strength training because that will help me as I get older.  As a runner, it was sometimes hard to fit it all in my busy work schedule.  However,  I found a couple cycle classes at 24 Hour Fitness that I tried out this week and love it.  I forgot how great it feels to finish class and come out drenched in sweat when I taught it at L.A. Fitness before COVID hit back in March.  L.A. Fitness hasn’t called me back to come teach cycle because their last class is at 5:30 and with COVID they close early.  I wonder if they’ll ever call me back since that is the only time I’m available to teach it due to my work schedule.  I’ll just have to wait and see.

Thanksgiving was different this year.  COVID is on the rise again and government and CDC is recommending not having large family gatherings.  Although, we didn’t all get together this year mom spent it with us.  All my brothers went their own way with family/friends and it was just our immediate family at our house.  I know mom was a bit sad not being able to see her mom this year, but she did manage to cook her some chili rellenos and take them to my aunt to give to her.  It’s so hard not to see family, but she understands that their safety is more important.  I’m also overprotective of my mom and always tell my brothers to be careful when they come over.  I would die if something were to happen to my mom.  She is everything to our family and the glue that keeps us all close since my dad passed away.  I pray every night and give thanks to the good Lord for my family and hope we all get passed this COVID mess.

The day after Thanksgiving I went to go donate my plasma at Carter Blood Care.  They finally called me since I applied back in July.  They stated they were back up and would like to see me now if I'm still interested.  They told me that I could help save up to three lives.  Of course, I said yes.  I did ask if there is a certain weight requirement.  She said I have to weigh at least 110 lbs.  Well, thank goodness for Thanksgiving because gaining weight wasn't a problem, plus not running has helped too!  I barley met their requirement.  I was worried if it would hurt or if I would pass out.  I don't do good with blood and have been know to almost pass out, but I didn't watch them put needle in me and followed their instructions.  The whole process took about one hour, but I was fatigued afterwards for a while.  I didn't get paid for this as people told me I would, but honestly I didn't do it for the money.  After seeing my husband go through this and giving me a huge scare and not to mention lots of friends going to hospital with COVID was pretty scary.  I pray and hope that we don't go through this again with our family and know that's it's very real.  It's scary to hear how many people are dying because of it.  Here in the United States right now we have over 13.4 M cases and 266K deaths so far.  

We'll see how it goes for Christmas and pray that with the our new President Biden, we get the vaccine soon and all this COVID craziness goes away.  So ready to get our normal life back.  Till then, I'll continue to nurse my tibial stress fracture and stop feeling sorry or myself.  None of us saw this coming and life goes on.  We just have to roll with the punches and keep going.  I am still very thankful for my family and so many other blessing in my life; and, for that I am forever grateful.  I'm not giving up.  I will be back to running soon, I just have to listen to my doctors orders and listen to my body.  I want to be that old lady running marathons in her late 60s!!

Keep on running!

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