Sunday, December 12, 2021

December Marathon Injury


Yes, fall is the season I enjoy running the most.  Everything was going great with my running again.  Dash and I have been getting the groove and loving the cooler runs.  The daylight saving time has me running in the dark as the sun goes down faster now.  But, I can run at a park by my house that is lit and it works for us.  Love seeing all the fall colors and leaves falling on us while we run.

However, it seems like it's also the season I tend to get injured too.  Well, at least that has be my story the last two years.  Last year, I got a tibial stress fracture and yesterday I sprained my ankle on a short 5K fun run. 


Why is this happening to me??  Ever since COVID, I can't seem to loose my extra lbs. and I can't go as fast because of it.  What's even more frustrating is that I trained for the Dallas BMW Marathon that was suppose to happen today.   Eddie, Dash and I ran a 5K holiday fun run yesterday.  It was supposed to be an easy run for I knew I had a marathon next day.  However, it was cold and Dash and I run faster when it's cold.  There were a lot of people there and we ran by the grass away from the crowd and yes, we went faster to get away from people.  I felt great and we had a good pace going.  I saw the finish line and tried to get my phone out to stop my time and hit a pothole on the ground and sprained my ankle.  I immediately stopped it hurt bad.  I started limping and kept walking slow.  I was freaking out thinking what the hell just happened!!  Dash wanted to keep running, but I slowing jogged to the finish line.  Everyone giving us high fives and Dash was the admired by all.  I walked over to find a place to sit and gave Dash water while we waited for Eddie to finish.  


I was able to walk to our truck okay and it didn't hurt that bad.  I thought I would be okay.  Well, after race we went home to get cleaned up and head to Dallas Marathon Expo. to pick up my race packet.  A couple hours later, it was starting to hurt.  Eddie had me take crap load of Advil, ice my ankle and kept it elevated while we drove to Dallas.  By this time, I was starting to limp a little at the Expo.  I went to see a doc. or chiropractor while there and told him about my injury.  He looked at it and worked out some of the swelling.  I asked if he thought it was broken, he said no.  He also didn't look very convincing when I asked him if okay to run full marathon.  He just said to keep moving it.  I went to on with my day and even went to dinner to carb load just in case I could run.  But by the time I got home, I was hurting more and deep down I knew I wasn't going to be better in the morning.  So, I told Eddie let's watch Yellowstone and the next thing I knew we watched like 4 episodes and didn't to sleep until WAY past my bedtime on the night before my marathon.  


I woke up with a bruised up, swollen ankle and it hurt :(  I cried and Eddie just held me.  I just told him all that training just went to shit and all for hitting that that damn pothole.  It really sucks that here I am with another injury and probably not able to run again for couple weeks again.  Oh well, after I cried I starting thinking about what to be grateful for.  I mean I still have my Big Sur Marathon in the Spring and really need to not be stupid and ruin that opportunity too.  I still have my health and maybe I need to focus on more strength training, work on my nutrition, flexibility.  I still plan to work my cycle classes two days a week.   I plan to spend more time with family.

One thing I won't do again is run fast on the day before a marathon.  Oh well, live and learn.  Now, I really need to invest on a bike to ride outside to keep me from going stir crazy!  


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